Sunday, February 8, 2009

Stuffed Peppers and Sirius Radio

Well the peppers are in the oven, the Hobbit is open and waiting, Sirius is tuned into " The Coffee House".  It is a good Sunday.  I wouldn't mind having another day to myself.  One to be peaceful and quiet and to go hours without being required to talk to anyone.    Just to be still and find my own un-influenced pace.  A mental nap, a standing up, walking around, getting a surprising amount done for a technically "relaxing" day, nap.  sounds like heaven.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Moo - a cow, a female cow.
Bray - an angry donkey kicks.
Ni - a curse, in Pythonese.
Blah - a boring day indeed~
Blow - the wind is blustery
Da - the Russian word for yes
Tea - a greatly tasty drink
And that cycles back to Moo.